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Flexible Fit Foodie EBOOK by LivWellVG

Flexible Fit Foodie EBOOK by LivWellVG



- Grocery Guide - my staple items and what I shop for to create a variety of healthy meals/snacks whenever I want!

- Favorite Products - all the brands I love and wouldn't leave the store without!

- Recipes - EXCLUSIVE, healthy AND delicious recipes only available in this guide!

- Dairy-Free/Vegan Swaps - many of the recipes have DF/V options along with my favorite DF/V items that can replace popular dairy/animal products.

- Meal Planning - an example of a healthy meal plan & how to meal plan + optimize your food throughout the week.

- Printable Meal Planning Template - fill in your daily meal plans to keep yourself on track, eliminate food waste, save $, reach your goals, get organized, and hold yourself accountable.

- Exercise Split/Guide - an example of 1 week of workouts with at-home + dumbbell only options.

- Printable Exercise Log Template - fill in the log weekly to keep track of your workouts, see progress, and hold yourself accountable.

- Healthy on a Budget - Do's and Don'ts  + HACKS to eating healthy if you're watching your spending.

- Calories, Macronutrients, Micronutrient 101 - an educational guide of calories, energy expenditure, the hype about "macros", and the importance of micronutrients.

- Recipe D'Eats - Specific Calories, & Macros for the exclusive recipes in this guide.

  • Downloadable PDF

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